UPDATED: With paint color
It's really difficult to blog personal stuff anymore. I'm fairly consistent with the crafty stuff but not so much on the home front. There are so many other social media platforms and Instagram is my go to. I usually only share one or two photos on Instagram, and the older boys don't like me to post pictures of them at all. My Instagram feed looks like we only have one kid, a.k.a. Nicholas.
I figured I will share some more photos of my yellow door (shared in Instagram last week). I recently painted our front door yellow and I love it! It wasn't hard to do. It took only 2 hours and made such a difference. It looks so good in this forest full of green we live in. I plan to paint both of our back doors this color as well. Just waiting for a rain free day.
As usual my trusty model Nicholas was game to take pictures.
Yellow front door with awesome 9.99 yellow mums from Costco! Not yet in bloom.
Yellow mums are blooming!
Fun new place to play!
Outside the garage. I took old black pots and spray painted them teal.
Seven year old kids are awesome!
Yellow door filled in with flowers.
UPDATE: A few of you have asked me what the paint color is. That would of been a genius move to post the color when I originally posted. Oops. Better late than never. Here is a picture of the top of the paint can with the reference number 3006-1A. It's a Valspar Paint called Dijon. Hope this helps.