Landscape plan (plants)

The yard came to a halt for 5 days due to weather (rain & snow). Work has picked back up yesterday and today but I have been so busy I have been unable to post pictures. I am hoping to have updated photos up tomorrow. Imagine... It's looking awesome!!!

This past weekend I decided to really nail down and understand the plants suggested on the plan. Here is the plan all mapped out and color coded by plant. We will attempt to transplant 12 existing shrubs and acquire 36 new. Bunch o' bushes!!! I changed/eliminated a few bushes and added some lilacs (how could we have forgotten lilacs?). The perennials will come later after I get a feel for how the yard/color looks through the summer.

Stampin' Up! product plug: I colored the plan with my Stampin' write markers. I must say they worked great for this project.