Nicholas is 4 months old!

Today marks four months since Nicholas was born. He had his four month check up this morning and the doctor was surprised with how much he has grown. He weighed in at a whopping 18 lbs 10 oz (98%) and 26 inches long. The big guy was tough through his vaccinations and only cried for a few seconds.

The pediatrician gave us the green light to start feeding him rice cereal. Once he takes to the cereal we can start to introduce other foods every couple of days. It's interesting how baby parenting has changed in the last 10 years. The doctor mentioned that food allergies were no longer as much of a concern. As long as the food was pureed, we can pretty much introduce what ever we feel like, little by little. I mixed a little rice with his formula tonight and attempted to spoon feed him. Not much luck as he didn't seem fond of the texture. He didn't try to push the food out, just made lots of ick and yuck faces.

This last month Nick has become much more alert. He has shared many smiles and giggles. This last week I've noticed a higher pitched scream type laugh and lots of "fake" coughing. When I mimic his cough he smiles. His unruly hair is thicker and longer. His grasp is becoming more controlled. His fingers have found his mouth and we rarely see him without drool. And he is attempting to roll. A few days ago I found him on his belly in his crib when I know he started out on his back. Saturday Chris and I witnessed a half roll while sitting on a blanket watching Andrew's soccer game. We cheered for him like he had just scored a goal. I know it must be hard to get 18 plus pounds to roll over, he is making great attempts. His legs and neck are super strong.

Every day is such a joy. We are so lucky.