2 weeks old today!!!

Nicholas had his 2 week appointment today. All is well and he is
healthy. He now weighs 8.6 and is 21.5 inches long (birth 8.3, 20
inch). The doctor and I am pleased he is past birth weight. It's hard
to know how much food he is getting when nursing. The boys told the
doctor today that nursing goes against mother nature. Ha! The baby
sleeps about 2.5 hours at a time between feedings, if I supplement
with formula he sleeps 3.4-4 hours, tempting... I've done he math and
in a 24 hour period I am nursing 8 hours. That's FT work!

Amazing to me it's been two weeks already. I'd love the life of FT
home mom. The pace is so different than a FT work mom.