2 houses - under contract

It's been a quick two weeks. Holy cow quick! Our Kalinda home is officially under contract. YEAH! Fingers crossed that all the little things that must happen to make the sell complete happen. We also extended an offer, which has been accepted, on a new home just a couple of blocks away. YEAH! Will post pictures soon. As you can imagine we have lots of packing, cleaning and house details (along with work and regular life) that need to take place in the coming weeks. We will be busy but this is an exciting time and we are excited. I will likely be more absent on this blog over the next couple weeks but will try to update atleast via phone.

We leave for the Brooks anniversary/reunion in Oregon tonight and are looking forward to seeing everyone. We will be back in Utah on Monday.

Legal side note. I've update a few things on my blog to be in compliance with a new policy at work. If you see your link is suddenly missing, no worries, I still love you and will visit your site but I can no link directly to you.