Photo Mosaic

1. René Char : Hommage, 2. SWEETIE PIE, 3. Weber High with Ben Lomond in the background, 4. i can taste summer! a.k.a. childhood summer! a.k.a. childhood reminiscence! a.k.a. those were the good times!, 5. Jude Law on Vespa, 6. Cakespy's L'il Cuppie Character, 7. Last day in Paris, 8. crust, 9. On Public Education in America, 10. Prenent un Bany. Taking a Bath., 11. The Best Sign Ever (In my humble opinion), 12. Final Post-It Note Art Collage (PINAP)

I saw this on Jen's blog and thought it would be fun. Here's the deal... you answer the following 12 questions about yourself (my answers are in parentheses after each question):

1. What is your first name? (char)

2. What is your favorite food? (dessert)

3. What high school did you attend? (weber high school)

4. What is your favorite color? (purple)

5. Who is your celebrity crush? (jude law)

6. Favorite drink? (diet coke)

7. Dream vacation? (paris)

8. Favorite dessert? (pie)

9. What do you want to be when you grow up? (expert speller)

10. What do you love most in life? (life)

11. One word to describe you? (quirky)

12. Your Flickr name? (charletmallett)

Wanna play?: Directions here:

see caption list (above) for photo credits...