Weekly round up

How is it almost the middle of February? Time is flying this month.  How about a little photo round up?

Food color is not a toy

"I don't wannabe a murf!"

This sneaky one got into the food color and proceeded to play. I caught him blue handed!

These photos are after washing his hand with vinegar and baking soda 10 times.


Club 40

It's official. I've entered another decade. A friend mentioned I've made it into club 40 and I like that outlook - I'm keeping it.

Chris and the boys helped me celebrate the big day with wonderful gifts, a gorgeous cake and nice dinner out.  A wonderful neighbor brought over some delicious european pastries and I received many calls and a few cards in the mail.  I was more popular on social media than I have ever been. LOVE.

It was a great day and I want to thank all my friends and family for recognizing me. I love you all!