Weekend fun

I spent this past weekend in California for the Craft and Hobby Association show (CHA). I had an excellent time walking the show, observing industry trends, and catching up with old friends. It was a successful and super quick trip for me. Packed with inspiration and walking... in on Saturday morning, out Sunday night.  

Chris and the boys also packed their weekend with fun. They made Indian food (Andrew did most of the cooking and directing), attended baseball and soccer commitments, sledded (big cottonwood) and watched movies. Chris sent me pictures from their weekend and I was quickly jealous of their good time. I don't leave the kids very often anymore...

Hope you enjoyed some highlights from our weekend(s). More CHA pictures in a future post.

2014 - Bring it on! OLW

You may remember my post last year about choosing a word and making goals for the year surrounding that word. I think I may have grabbed this one little word theme from Ally Edwards. I can't remember but she is good inspiration to follow from. It was a nice exercise in 2013 and worked pretty well for me. I thought I might try it again.

My word for 2014 is CONNECT.  
To accompany my word is rough and rapid doodle from my sketch book. 

CONNECT...  It's quite broad and I feel can encompass many of the things I would like to try an accomplish in 2014. So, without getting too specific or personal:

Connect with family, friends, self, passions..., in various ways— phone, email, snail mail and in person.  Connect (meet) new people, which can be  hard for me. Connect spiritually, professionally, physically... etc.

And I like that I can easily changed up the interpretation of this word with a little prefix or suffix.  Disconnect from (my phone, tv, etc.), basically be more present in the moment.  Reconnect with old friends, old hobbies and passions.  

So there SHE be... that one little word.

My 2013 word was DO. Holding myself accountable.... here is what I actually DID in 2013. Long post for me - be warned.

1. DO service for Grandma LaRue.  I am working on random ways to help Grandma out through out the 2013 year, more on this in future posts. #service

THIS I DID.  With my spare time I was able to help Grandma with all sorts of projects and if was super fun to be able to hang out with her more.  This was a tough year for Grandma.  Van ended up moving into the veterans home and then in late December passed away.  I hope my tiny bit of service helped Grandma just a little.  Some of the highlights I really enjoyed; typed up finished her address book (actually bound), made many meals, organized her bathrooms (including a serious dejunk - trashed prescriptions from the early 90's people!), and helped her with Christmas cards. I sure love my GRANDMA.

2. DO more family stuff.  I have the great pleasure of being with my kids everyday and I need to make this time count.  We need to incorporate more fun and less routine activities. #family

THIS happened too. I found this hard as our routine became very ROUTINE.  We did hit the Zoo, Aquarium, various friends houses and parks.  We took lots of mini trips - packed with fun.  Crafts.  I wish I could have done a better job of infusing fun into everyday life.  McDonalds play place and the library counts, right?

3. DO a new and improved website and blog. My blog is tired. And, I would love to create a website to house my portfolio, business stuff, etsy stuff, projects, blog, etc.  I have purchased a URL but now need to learn some stuff in order to design this puppy. #web

Not so much.  So the blog... still is very tired.  And, I accomplished less posting than in years past too.  Oh well.  I did design a website for my Painted Orange business (literally in the last few days of december).  It's all laid up in illustrator and ready for coding.  That website will house my newly designed blog.  The code part I'm hoping dear Geoff with help me with.  Otherwise I might scrap what I designed and purchased a canned site for the URL I've been paying on for the last TWO years. 

4. DO! Personal health improvements (diet, physical and mental).  I turn 39 at the end of this month.  This year will be the last year in my 30's and I have some health goals to reach before I am 40. #health

So I had this great goal of 40 lbs x 40 (not totally realistic I know, plus I probably only needed to loose like 30 lbs.  ASPIRATIONS. It would have been totally ambitious to loose 30 pounds.  I ended up loosing around 15.  Better than none.  I spent a good 6 months of the year with a serious work out schedule of 4-5 times a week. I did improve my health and learned a few new exercises.  My exercise routine  has seriously tapered off the last two months.  UG - 1st world problems.  I still have a almost month until 40 and I am committing, again, to live a HEALTHIER 2014.  

5. DO, brain improvements:  I have some new things I need to learn. While I don't have a formal plan yet, I do intend to learn new things more often.  Web tutorials, build to think, etc. #feedthebrain

This happened just by living my life and the desire to try new things (no formal plan was ever created).  I took a few online courses, attended some seminars/events and took a ton of free online instructional tutorials.  I do have some new tricks in my bag.  Again - I could have pushed this further...

6. DO more freelance. I have a number in mind. #workit

WOOHOO for goals.  Somehow I reach my number, amazingly so, and also picked up a few repeat clients. I am so grateful to have developed this skill set.  It has provided me with a much needed creative outlet and a little play money.

7. DO creative things.  Perhaps a painting class? Nothing is in stone but simply I know I want to DO more creative things. #create

Surprisingly... Not so much.  I did continue with my monthly card club and a few random projects throughout the year but no formal painting classes.  I will have to carry this goal over. 

8. DO travel.  I traveled so much with work in years past and over the last 7 months of being home St. George and Bear lake have been the only destination points.  This year we will travel.  Can you say ROAD trip? #travel

We DID travel.  Lots of new places for fun, a little work and family visits.  Nothing international - may in 2014?!

9. DO happy things.  Happy begets happy.  Be happy, think happy and do things that make ME happy. Figure out things that make me happy. #happyxhappy

I'm not sure how to measure this.  Perhaps a bad goal but a nice mantra?  Hmmm.  I'll be thinking on this one. 

10. DO document life. #lovinglife

This was an easy goal.  Over 100 blog posts, easily 20,000 photos taken (16K by phone alone). Yeah for the easy ones.

MOTIVATION... Card making?

Getting a little crafty around here as I try to get inspired.  This smoggy cold weather has left me feeling a bit down and totally unmotivated. WHAT IS MY DEAL? I've never really felt like this. Plus, Nicholas has been sick. No fun.

I pushed myself to sit down and make a few things and that sure has helped me get a little more motivated. Here are a few simple thank you cards I've made over the last few days.

The red and white stripped card below is altered from the November Paper Pumkin' kit.  

Primary supplies:
Petite Petals & Punch
Another Thank You

Card Club (last few projects of 2013)

The last quarter of 2013 proved to be hard for me to blog.  Here are some of the October - December card club projects.  Many of these projects were cased or taken from Jill Olsen's St. George event.  Anything I pinned to my pinterest board was my own concept.  It seems I am missing a handful of cards that I'll need to borrow from someone in the group in order to photograph.

Email me if you need details on supplies used or technique questions.